198 Open Daily games
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Pages:   «««9899100101102103104105106»»»   (156 in total)
# Rank Flag Player Name Played Won Lost Win% H Rating Tourney Score Monthly Score Team Score Last Played Eliminated ScorePoints
3031 Private United States The Cooler King 86 3 83 3% 8% 943 0 909 29 Mar 2011 10 4000
3032 Private Antigua and Barbuda Matip 46 4 42 9% 26% 0 0 1102 12 May 2012 20 8670
3033 Private India aniketitis 27 2 25 7% 39% 0 0 1020 15 Mar 2011 6 9250
3034 Private United States Ruttiger 243 45 198 19% 42% 888 0 1175 21 Jun 2023 124 12161
3035 Private United States pp4life 23 6 17 26% 37% 0 0 1116 12 Aug 2013 10 9680
3036 Private United States GLouzek69 12 1 11 8% 21% 0 0 0 17 Sep 2020 1 9220
3037 Private Italy Tony Impostore 101 31 70 31% 31% 0 0 985 26 Nov 2013 29 8570
3038 Private United States HoneyHomes 11 2 9 18% 36% 0 0 0 17 Sep 2011 5 9700
3039 Private Netherlands Dirthouse 50 14 36 28% 33% 0 0 1018 14 Nov 2012 20 8090
3040 Private United Kingdom zdisabled_08ac881d 193 2 191 1% 1% 968 0 0 16 Jun 2014 17 1270
3041 Private Greece theokoyl 131 22 109 17% 55% 798 0 1124 28 Oct 2018 115 13240
3042 Captain Canada jus781 87 31 56 36% 50% 0 0 964 28 Jul 2013 38 12340
3043 Sergeant Belgium limburg 295 71 224 24% 56% 1128 0 1326 06 Jan 2016 242 13033
3044 Lieutenant Brazil Curvydame 70 14 56 20% 36% 0 0 937 18 Aug 2014 20 9380
3045 Private Scotland zdisabled_1cd5e170 270 15 255 6% 15% 579 0 0 20 Apr 2015 46 4110
3046 Private United States petaluma-pimpin 19 0 19 0% 0% 964 0 0 12 Jul 2022 0 7750
3047 Private United Kingdom Ibwib 30 7 23 23% 50% 0 0 0 27 Jul 2010 16 10910
3048 Private United States livesvdoog 12 1 11 8% 39% 986 0 0 30 Oct 2012 7 10320
3049 Sergeant United States Scottushis 28 7 21 25% 69% 0 0 1024 13 Jun 2022 31 14093
3050 Private Canada robstark 25 3 22 12% 27% 0 0 0 25 Feb 2013 7 8550
3051 Sergeant Belgium jokke999 45 4 41 9% 34% 980 0 0 01 May 2017 26 9730
3052 Private United States apotheosis1321 11 0 11 0% 0% 0 0 0 18 Jun 2012 0 8690
3053 Private Belgium Zblorg 13 3 10 23% 33% 0 0 0 13 Mar 2012 4 9480
3054 Private Canada goodfella 17 0 17 0% 0% 0 0 985 11 Jul 2013 2 7880
3055 Captain United States Mostly Harmless 946 489 457 52% 67% 1619 0 1126 16 May 2018 716 234816
3056 Private United States hwapios 51 7 44 14% 15% 1006 0 985 30 Nov 2018 7 7320
3057 Private Argentina Zambong 21 1 20 5% 17% 907 0 754 26 Dec 2021 5 8110
3058 Private Denmark fred5682 41 13 28 32% 58% 0 0 991 21 Jan 2017 36 12320
3059 Private Netherlands thegodfather 13 0 13 0% 0% 0 0 0 27 Sep 2013 0 8290
3060 Private France JBazooka 22 3 19 14% 41% 0 0 950 27 Mar 2010 12 10450